From this page you can
listen some songs composed by Techno-iD in the following format
Depuis cette page
vous pouvez écouter les compositions de Techno-ID dans les formats suivants :
( Click the format of your
choice. All the songs are differents in each category )
Audio Format (no
download , immediat listening from my site )
Ar Mor >>> |
Song created with Korg i40M,
ElecTribe A & R and a Midi Guitar with AX1000G effects. |
First step >>> |
This song was composed
essentially with a JX 305 a MC303 and an expander Korg
05r/w. |
Liquid Piano >>> |
This song is an experiment
with Acid Pro 2 , a loops-based composer program |
Ooooops NO
sound ?
If you have not Real Audio allready
installed, click here for a free download
vous ne disposez pas du lecteur Real
Audio, cliquez ici,
pour un download gratuit de RealAudio en francais
MIDI Format
(no download, immediate listening)
The quality of these songs will
depend on your sound card quality !
Choose a song in the
scrolling menu, then press " Ecoutez les Cyborgs..." No download
necessary.To take full advantage of these songs you'll need a WaveTable
soundcard ( e.g. Sound Blaster Live ), or get a General Midi Synthesizer
connected to the midi output of your soundcard.
Choisissez un
morceau dans le menu déroulant puis appuyez sur le bouton. Aucun
téléchargement nécessaire !
Si vous êtes intéressés par des sites
distribuant des fichiers M.I.D.I et/ou des paroles de chansons, dans tous les
styles, cliquez ici
If you are interested by sites
delivering MIDI Files and/or lyrics in every styles, then click here
Actually the most
used format to listen Web music . Sometimes you'll need to download for
best results. From here you will be linked to my page on where my musics
are uploaded. All songs can be listen and download for free.
Close the new window to come back to my site !
MP3 created on 25 02
2001 using Korg i40M, ElecTribe A and R, GR9 MidiGuitar Controller
To hear my
songs in MP3 format, click here